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Muscle Tissue Development

How Real Greek Protein 80 helps in the development of muscle tissue

Proteins are those building blocks that are essential for our skeletal muscles. A protein is a compound that is created with smaller amino acid compounds. Of the amino acids that exist, we call 9 of them “essential amino acids” and this is because while they are necessary for our body, it cannot produce them on its own and therefore they can only be prevented through food. Proteins that contain them all in appropriate amounts are called complete proteins.

During training and muscle development, muscle fibres are subjected to micro-injuries. Proteins play a key role in the repair and growth of these muscle fibers. Conversely, when the body realizes that it is not getting enough protein, it draws from its “stores” to recycle protein resulting in loss of muscle mass.

Therefore, we understand how essential protein is for the body, let alone in people who do some physical exercise or professional athletes. The goat whey protein, Real Greek Protein 80, provides the body with all the essential amino acids it needs and is a complete and nutritious meal. The benefits for the body are many and even presents some advantages over cow’s protein (see more).

Goat Whey Protein, Real Greek Protein80 is a rich source of amino acids, which play an important role in the synthesis of proteins in the muscles.

In particular it has very high levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which are very important for those who exercise, since the other essential amino acids are metabolized directly in muscle tissue and are the first to be used during exercise and endurance training.

So by using BCAAs rich protein, the reduced levels of the overworked body are replenished and the repair and growth of lean muscle tissue begins.

Due to its composition, since it is derived from goat and sheep milk, Real Greek Protein 80 goat protein offers immediate absorption of proteins by the body. It is the ideal meal for before or after training.

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