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Immune System

How Real Greek Protein 80 helps the immune system

The immune system is the body’s defense against germs, viruses, parasites and anything pathogenic that can interfere with its normal functioning.

Proteins play an important role in supporting and improving the immune system in a number of ways:

  • They provide amino acids for antibody production: some of the amino acids provided by the protein are essential for the synthesis of antibodies that are a critical component of the immune response against infections and diseases.
  • Support for white blood cells: proteins help to produce and strengthen white blood cells, which are the main “camp” of the immune system and take up the “fight” against microbes and other diseases.
  • Antioxidant action: Certain proteins, such as glutathione, can act as antioxidants, protecting cells from free radicals and damage that can be caused to the immune system. Whey protein contains high levels of the amino acids glutamine and cysteine which have the effect of increasing the active Glutathione.
  • They help in cell repair: proteins help in the growth and regeneration of the body’s cells, including immune system cells, allowing for a faster response to an infection or an immune system challenge.

By consuming goat and sheep whey protein the level of Glutathione in the body increases which helps in maintaining a healthy and strong body.

Goat and sheep whey protein, Real Greek Protein 80 provides the body essential nutrients and contributes to the health of the body. Compared to its cow’s counterpart, it offers an increased concentration of vitamins and trace elements calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. (Read more here)

So, proteins are vital for the health of the immune system, as they help to boost the body’s response against infections and diseases and generally help to keep the body healthy.

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